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Unleashed Green to Gold

KIRA Von Silny Domoci

German Shepherd

Price  $8,500.00
D. O. B. October 20, 2019



Kira loves to play and can't wait to learn.  She loves chase and tug play but can settle down to get some much wanted love and cuddles.  Sit-up, roll over and give paw are her favorite tricks so far.  She just can't wait to learn more.  

Kira has a finish date of October 2020.  The continued training is $1,500/monthly.  This is a great way for you to buy the dog of your dreams verses having to pay a lump sum for the super dog you have always wanted.  The Green to GOLD Program has many advantages, however, you do have to give us time to develop the dog for you and your family. 


Give us a call and see if he is the right dog for you. 

Ask for Tommy 859-229-7451

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